HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript Development
HTML5 and CSS3 are essential ingredients in modern-day web applications. Gone are the days of vendor-specific plugins and browser wars, and in their place we have the promise of truly open and powerful industry standards.
Duration: 5 days
Who is it for:
Layout: This course is a mixture of lectures and hands on exercises designed to reinforce the topics learnt
- Using HTML5 GUI elements
- Implementing client-side behaviour using HTML5 APIs
- Using CSS3 style features
- Writing JavaScript code effectively
HTML and CSS Core Principles
- HTML core concepts and syntax
- CSS core concepts and syntax
Creating HTML5 and CSS3 Web Pages
- HTML5 semantic tags
- Additional HTML5 layout features
- CSS3 enhancements
JavaScript Core Principles
- JavaScript essential syntax
- Accessing and updating HTML content by using DOM
- Getting started with jQuery
- Event handling
Using Forms
- Defining a form to gather user input
- Using the new HTML5 input elements
- Validating input
- Implementing JavaScript validation
Implementing Ajax-Enabled Web Pages
- Overview of Ajax
- Using Ajax manually
- Using Ajax with jQuery
- Using Ajax2 and Cross-Origin Requests (CORS)
Going Further with CSS3
- Textual styling
- Using CSS3 selectors
- Additional CSS3 techniques
Object-Oriented Programming in JavaScript
- Creating objects
- Defining properties and methods
- Defining constructors
- Understanding prototypes
- Implementing inheritance
Platform Integration
- Using the File API
- Implementing drag-and-drop
- Incorporating audio and video
- Using the Geolocation API
Offline Working
- Using local storage
- Offline working
- Using the application cache
Creating Adaptive User Interfaces
- Media queries
- Creating applications that look good in different form factors
- Creating printer-friendly applications
- Using the canvas API
- Using SVG
- Techniques and recommendations
CSS3 Animations and Effects
- Transitions
- 2D and 3D transformations
- Key-frame animations
Web Sockets
- The need for Web Sockets
- Implementing a Web Sockets client
- Implementing a Web Sockets server
Web Workers
- Overview of Web Workers
- Implementing a Web Worker
- Asynchronous programming techniques
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