Working with Linux and Shell Scripting
This class is a comprehensive introduction to the Linux operating system. You will learn about the command line environment on Linux servers and/or workstations. We will be see how to work with files, work with processes. You will see I/O redirection, pipelines, the filesystem structure. Commands such as find, sed, awk, grep and other important commands will be discussed in detail along with regular expressions. You will also be introduced to how security works in Linux. On the final day, you will be introduced to shell scripting and you will learn how to write effective shell scripts.
Duration: 3 days
Who is it for: This course is designed for those who need to gain confidence and experience with the Linux operating system.
Layout: This course comprises a mix of theory, demonstrations and hands on exercises. Approximately 50% of the time is hands-on.
- The Linux File System
- Working with the Shell
- Managing files and directories
- Working with and managing processes
- Using Regular Expressions
- Working with grep and find
- Using sed and awk
- Working with the unix editors vi and vim
- Linux Security Fundamentals
- Shell scripting
Linux Concepts
- Linux and GNU
- Commercial Linux
- Files and Processes
- Linux Kernel
Working with Linux
- Logging in
- Basic commands
- File system commands
- The Online Manual
- Command format
- The Shell and Redirection
The Linux File System
- Traversing the file system
- Examining directory contents
- Shell Wildcards
- Building the file system
- Copying files
- Moving deleting and linking files
Filters and Working with Files
- Using filter commands such as cut
- Examining files with file, od, wc, etc.
- The grep command and regular expressions
- The find command
File Access Control
- File access rights
- Applying access rights
- Displaying permissions
- Set ID and Sticky bit permissions
- Directory permissions
- chmod and setting permissions
- Changing the UID and GID
- Using the vi family
- Understanding ed
- Other editors such as pico/nano
The Shell
- What is a shell
- Filenames and wildcards
- Standard I/O
- I/O Redirection
- Pipelines
Basic Shell Programming
- A simple script
- Command line arguments
- Conditional expressions
- The test command
- The case statement
- for and while loops
- Numerical expressions
Sed and Awk
- sed – the stream based editor
- How sed works
- sed commands addressing and style
- Adding, deleting, substituting and saving text
- sed scripts
- The awk family
- Patterns and actions in awk
- Working with fields
- BEGIN and END actions
- aws scripts
Advanced Shell Programming
- Parameter types
- Parameter substitution
- The set command
- Using readonly and unset
- The eval command
- The wait command
- The $! variable
- Signals and their numbers
- Writing functions
- the return command
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