Devops Fundamentals
This course focuses on the principles and practices around Devops. The course will introduce you to the Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment. You will learn how to use Jenkins to automate the build process and how to use Docker to automate the deployment process. You will also learn how to use Kubernetes to manage the deployment of your containers. You will also learn how to use Terraform to automate the deployment of your infrastructure.
Duration: 3 days
Who is it for: Developers, Devops engineers, cloud architects and developers who plan to work with Docker.
Layout: This session takes the form of some lectures along with demonstrations and exercises to consolidate the content being taught.
Introduction to Devops
- Devops Defined
- Devops Team Norms
- What changes when Devops is done well
Continuous Integration
- What is Continuous Integration?
- Why Continuous Integration?
- Continuous Integration Tools
- The importance of the foundation of CI in Devops
Continuous Delivery
- What is Continuous Delivery?
- Why Continuous Delivery?
- Continuous Delivery Tools
- Continuous Delivery and Devops
Continuous Deployment
- What is Continuous Deployment?
- Why Continuous Deployment?
- Continuous Deployment Tools
- Continuous Deployment and Devops
- What is Jenkins?
- Why Jenkins?
- Jenkins and Devops
- Using Jenkins to automate the build process
Introduction to Docker
- What is Docker?
- The need for Docker
Installing Docker
- Docker requirements
- Running Docker on Windows
- Running Docker on Linux and Mac
Docker Architecture
- Docker core components
- Core Components explained
Container Lifecycle
- Launching containers
- Stopping and Starting containers
- Pausing containers
- Logging into existing containers
Docker Utilities
- Listing your containers
- Listing your images
- Accessing logs
- Inspecting containers and images
Docker Images
- Viewing image history
- Working with repositories
- Flattening images
- Importing and Exporting images
Working with Docker Files
- Building Docker Images from a Docker File
- Dockerfile entry options
- Example Dockerfile for MySQL, SpringBoot, and .NET Core
- What is Kubernetes?
- Why Kubernetes?
- Kubernetes and Devops
- Using Kubernetes to manage the deployment of your containers
- What is Terraform?
- Why Terraform?
- Terraform and Devops
- Using Terraform to automate the deployment of your infrastructure
Serverless Computing
- What is Serverless Computing?
- Why Serverless Computing?
- Serverless Computing and Devops
- Using Serverless Computing to automate the deployment of your infrastructure